.Net EF Code FIrst explained so you may get it, and love it

 Code First is a technique for creating a database from your domain model in Entity Framework (EF). It allows you to define your model using C# or Visual Basic classes, and then create a database from those classes.

One advantage of using Code First is that it allows you to define your model using code, rather than having to manually create a database schema. This can be more efficient and flexible, as you can use the full power of your programming language to define your model.

For example, suppose you are creating a web application for a library. You might have a Book class and a Member class, each with various properties such as Title, Author, and ISBN for a Book, and Name, Email, and Phone for a Member. Using Code First, you can define these classes and then use EF to create a database with tables for Books and Members, as well as relationships between them.

Another advantage of Code First is that it allows you to evolve your model over time. As your application grows and changes, you can add, remove, or modify classes and properties in your model, and EF will update the database schema to match. This can save you the time and effort of having to manually update the database schema yourself.

Overall, Code First is a convenient and flexible way to link your models to a database using EF in .NET. It can help you create and maintain a database more efficiently, and allow you to focus on building your application rather than worrying about database schemas.
