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.Net EF Code FIrst explained so you may get it, and love it

  Code First is a technique for creating a database from your domain model in Entity Framework (EF). It allows you to define your model using C# or Visual Basic classes, and then create a database from those classes. One advantage of using Code First is that it allows you to define your model using code, rather than having to manually create a database schema. This can be more efficient and flexible, as you can use the full power of your programming language to define your model. For example, suppose you are creating a web application for a library. You might have a Book class and a Member class, each with various properties such as Title , Author , and ISBN for a Book , and Name , Email , and Phone for a Member . Using Code First, you can define these classes and then use EF to create a database with tables for Books and Members , as well as relationships between them. Another advantage of Code First is that it allows you to evolve your model over time. As your application grows

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